Dear Users

Thank you for choosing us and ("Site").

We attach importance to the privacy and security of your personal data. For this reason, with this Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy ("Policy"), we would like to transparently explain how and why we collect, use, store and share your personal data, as well as inform you about the rights and preferences you have to share your personal data with us.

If you are under 18 years of age, we would like to remind you that this text must also be read by your parent/guardian.

Your Personal Data We Collect

We process some of your personal data when you become a member of the Site, purchase products/services through the Site, log in to the Site/product and use the Site/product. We process your personal data within the framework of the purposes specified in this Policy and also in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 ("KVKK").

In order to use the Site, you must register with the Site. Your personal data that we collect and store during your registration and use of the Site/product are the following:

In order to become a member of the Website, you are required to share with us your personal data consisting of name-surname, username, e-mail address or telephone number. We use this personal data to create your membership account. In order to become a member of the Site, it is sufficient to share only one of your Phone Number or E-Mail Address information.

If you purchase our products/services through the website, we collect your personal data consisting of name-surname, e-mail address, telephone number, T.R. ID number, address. We use this personal data for the purposes of (a) issuing and forwarding invoices to you, (b) performing accounting transactions and (c) delivering the purchased product.

We collect your personal data consisting of name-surname, username, telephone number, e-mail address information during your use of the Site, our products and services in order for you to make better use of the Site, our products and services and to provide you with a personalized service.

In addition to these, we process your phone number, e-mail address and other personal data that you personally share with us by contacting us for reasons such as reporting the problems you have encountered with the Site, our products and services and/or your information and support requests that you have encountered during your use of the Site, product or service, in order to provide you with support for your requests. If you communicate with our company via e-mail, your personal data is transferred to the company located abroad from which we receive mail server (storage) service within the presence of your explicit consent.

You may optionally upload a profile photo in order to personalize your profile on the Website. In this case, your personal data consisting of your profile photo is also processed by our Company.

Your IP data is collected and processed in order to increase the security of our Site, to analyze trends and to manage our Site, and also to analyze your movement within the Site, the websites to which you are directed to the Site, your use of media player (media player), your access times to the Site and your user experiences.

Apart from these, we may process your personal data consisting of name-surname, telephone number and e-mail address in order to contact you for promotional and advertising purposes within the presence of your explicit consent and transfer them to third party service providers from whom we receive services. We may use your personal data in order to inform you about the service and your account in cases such as our inability to provide service due to maintenance and arrangements to be made on the Site, delayed access to the service. Since such notifications are not for commercial purposes and are related to your use of the Site, it is not possible to cancel them.

In addition, your personal data to be processed by us is transferred to the company located abroad from which our Company receives services for data storage and backup purposes within the presence of your explicit consent.

Exceptional Circumstances where Explicit Consent is Not Required for the Processing and Transfer of Your Personal Data

Within the scope of KVKK, your personal data may be processed and transferred based on your explicit consent or on the reasons that do not require explicit consent regulated in Article 5, Paragraph 2 of KVKK. In this context, while providing our services within the scope of the Site, there are cases where we do not need to obtain explicit consent from our users and are considered within the scope of the exception. These exceptional cases are listed below:

  • Pursuant to subparagraph (c) of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the KVKK, "it is necessary to process personal data of the parties to the agreement, provided that it is directly related to the conclusion or performance of the agreement",
  • Pursuant to subparagraph (ç) of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the KVKK, "it is mandatory for the data controller to fulfill its legal obligation"
  • Pursuant to subparagraph (d) of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the KVKK, "being made public by the data subject himself/herself",
  • Pursuant to subparagraph (f) of paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the KVKK, "data processing is necessary for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject".
Your rights

Pursuant to Article 11 of KVKK, you have the following rights within the scope of processing your personal data;

  • Learn whether your personal data is being processed,
  • Requesting information in case your personal data is processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • Learning the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred domestically or abroad,
  • To request correction of your personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • Request the deletion or destruction of your personal data in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data,
  • To request notification of the correction of your incomplete or incorrectly processed personal data and the deletion or destruction of your personal data to third parties to whom personal data is transferred,
  • In cases where you believe that a result arises against you by analyzing your processed data exclusively through automated systems, to object to the results obtained as a result of processing by automated means,
  • To demand compensation for damages in case you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of your personal data,

When you want to exercise these rights, you can apply to our address Ümit Mahallesi 2526 Sk. No: 4/2 Çankaya/Ankara address or e-mail address if you have an e-mail registered in our system or registered e-mail address, in accordance with the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller.

Changes to our Policy

The Effective Date of this Policy is stated below. We may update this Policy in case of changes in the services we offer. If we make a material change to the Policies, a notice will be posted on the Site with the updated Policy to draw your attention. We will also notify you by using your registered contact information (for example, e-mail, notification or other equivalent method) . If you continue to use the Site after making such notifications, you will be deemed to have accepted the changes in the Policy. To see when this Policy was last updated, please see the "Last Updated" section below.

Effective Date: 08/01/2022

Last Update: 08/01/2022